Letting people have skin in the game always pays off. They identify with the problem and engage deeply to solve it. I create purpose-driven teams. I believe in handing people possibilities – and enable them to find the right solution.
No more hiding in the mighty writer’s cave. Whether defining a tone of voice, a chatbot conversation, or UX Writing elements – I like to get all stakeholders involved. That way we get the existing knowledge out on the table and new knowledge into everybody’s heads and hearts.
A content strategy, for example. I like to treat a content strategy as if it were a prototype and send my drafts to user testing. The result? I receive lots of valuable feedback and our users, a.k.a. the editorial teams, are immersed from an early stage. Easy buy-in guaranteed.
I work at a self-organized agency. We follow the constitution of Holacracy. What first came as a shock has liberated and innovated my work. Things get released early, even when not yet perfect, many non-writers are involved, evolution is part of the process.